The Travelogue Wiki

Campaign: Lost Mines of Phandelver

Recruited by Gundren Rockseeker to help find and secure Wave Echo Cave.


Aryana is a heroic and noble woman, tall and fearless. She controls lightning and wears heavy plate while casting, making her a formidable foe. She has teamed up with Cirdan Wavesilver as a bodyguard/comrade as they seek to build the fortunes of their new venture, the Wavesilver Company. Joining them on this quest is a friendly Druid, Rowan Redbud.


Heroic, fearless, brave, practical, and insatiable. Aryana is a force to be reckoned with. She doesn't care much for pomp, preferring instead the simple and noble hard work and freedom that the sea provides. While normally calm and collected she is liable to flare up like the storms she controls. During her downtime she likes to cavort and get raucous.


Low level priest stuff

Wears plate

One maximized lightning or thunder spell per short rest (Tempest channel divinity)

Sorcerer stuff


Glass staff of Defense (+1AC), casts shield/mage armor

+1 longsword


Currently cleaning up the tralbor trail and clearing the mines of phandelver (they got a deal for 25% stake in the mine if we can clear it)

This would crate a shipping hub for the region and put the Wavesilver company on the map.


Captain/business partner: Cirdan Wavesilver

Friend/traveling companion: Rowan Redbud

Rockseeker Brothers: owners of the mine who hired us to save them


Aryana spent her life as crew upon a merchant vessel, until it was taken by pirates. She was the only survivor and washed ashore alone before starting her new life as a caravan guard.

Rumors & Legends[]
